domingo, 22 de noviembre de 2015

How green are you?

We should care of our environment. When we talk about our environment we mean everything in the world around us which can affect our lives. When we talk about the environment we mean everything in the world around us that surrounds and affects all life on earth, including the air, food chains, the water cycle, plants, animals and other humans. 

Five basic needs of human beings from the environment are oxygen, water, food, shelter and warmth.
We get these from the planet on which we live that's why we must be green.

8 comentarios:

  1. Hi Maria Fe!
    I like the idea of making kids conscious about our enviroment. We must work on it since they are very little, in order to get humans implicated in what happens on our world! Although I miss an explanation about how you will introduce the Quiz or what they will do after answerig it. Excepting that, I really like the activity!!

  2. Yes, I totally agree with Naiara. I think the topic you introduce is very interesting for the children and also it's very important. With this activity students will improve their English skills but also they are going to be better humans. I'm curious about which year of the primary school would you carry out this activity. Maybe the 4th or 5th?

    Good job!

    Violeta Capella

  3. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  4. Hi Maria Fe!
    I am completely agree with Naiara and Violeta. From my point of view, environmental problems it is a very important topic to learn in class, because as future teachers, we must teach to our students that if we cannot maintain our planet clean, this can have terrible consequences for our health in future. Teaching to our students to recycle paper, use public transports... can contribute to have a planet more clean and with less environmental problems.

    Well done!

    María Miranda

  5. Hello!

    I love your blog, theme and games that you used to work the concept of nature and how to make children aware of the need to take into account the environment around us!

    thanks for all these ideas! I find it very useful to work it in the classroom.

    A greeting

  6. Hi!!
    Great job!! I really like the way you make kids conscious about the environment and how they can learn english at the same time!!! It's a nice idea!!!
    Love your blog and your activities!!

  7. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  8. Hello Maria Fe!! Congratulation for your hard work! I have been checking the blogs of almost all our classmates and this is one of those that has really liked me. Apart from the design, that is quite good, you have used perfectly well the ICT resources. This really impressed me because I have had a lot of problems with them in my blog. And above all, I like that at the same time children can learn English with your activities, they can increase them environmental consciousness.
